The editorship of William nicholson (chemist and inventor).
William Nicholson was a renowed English chemist and writer on "Natural philosophy "and chemistry as well as a translator, journalist, publishers, scientist, inventor , patent Agent and civil engineer.
He was born on 13 December 1753, in London, United kingdom.
He invented a hydrometer ( an instrument for measuring the density of liquids) in ,1790.
In 1800 , after he heard of the invention of the electric battery by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, Alessandro Volta
he built one of own. Then, William nicholson had shown that if electrodes were immersed in water and a current was ,passed bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen were produced .
Oxygen bubbles formed on the electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery and hydrogen bubbles formed on the electrode.
With this discovery Nicholson became the first man to produce a chemical reaction by electricity.
In , 1797 Nicholson founded the journal of natural philosphy ,chemistry and the arts, which was the first independent scientific journal.
Nicholson's introduction to Natural philosphy (1781) was the most successful of his published works. The British encyclopedia, or dictonary of arts and sciences,claimed by its publishers to be a work " comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge, " was published at London in 1809 six octavo volumes and around 150 plates.
William Nicholson died on 21 May 1815 , London Borough of Camden, London, United kingdom.
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